Drip, Drip. Drip the erosion continues.
drip, drip.
drip the erosion continues.. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-10-10/jehovahs-witness-abuse-exposed/11561776.
Drip, Drip. Drip the erosion continues.
church elder sentenced to 80 years in prison for sex assaults in cleburne county.
by: tyler thomason.
One victim’s mother told detectives she reported the assault to church leaders, and nothing was done at first with the exception of suspension of some of Watkins’ duties, according to court documents.
It seems to me to be a very big victory. It leaves WT no where to go in its fight not disclose the child molestation records. This was the case where WT clocked up enormous daily fines and lost the case but still did not disclose.
I don't know what this means in that case but it looks (to me) that those records have to come out or WT is in a very big and deep hole.
If I have this wrong I apologise but maybe someone with legal knowledge could clarify.
new study bible photos from reddit if you want them.
these are a bit larger photos.
see first page for info.. .
Atlantis, I'll drink to that.
new study bible photos from reddit if you want them.
these are a bit larger photos.
see first page for info.. .
What is the point? Just half a bible with pictures.
i saw this sign (i'm sure the bride must have bought it) at a wedding rehearsal dinner yesterday.. yes, the smiling bride was there ordering her soon to be groom around as they were setting up their party decorations.
i'm sure today october 5th will would be the happiest day of their young lives.. have you ever noticed that many movies end at the wedding ceremony?
because for the vast majority of marriages that is the best it ever gets!
The dub model, lack of education, sexual frustration and curiosity followed by early marriage and poverty is not a good route to marital bliss. If you survive that and the gradual awakening to TTATT then you have something to be cherished.
for those of you that have not got my book new boy yet, it will be free for down load on amazon books.
you can down load it on your kindle for the next 30 days at no cost.
enjoy keith.
On my kindle. It’ll be next read. Thanks for the freebie.
kick the bucket jw style!.
https://jehovahswitnessfunerals.co.uk .
Small detail making me question the dubness of the principals of this business. One of their pics shows a KH type room with a cross at the front. School boy error for JWs. Edit, have just read their blurb, they don't claim to be dubs so they are just opportunists.
starts at 2 minute mark - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dcdz1nd4m8.
This is ominous. The cart work started with a table in NYC, now it's everywhere. Will this suddenly be the go to indoctrination tool for dubton.
when i was newly divorced,still attending meetings, some of the younger married sisters got friendly with me.
we went out (to bars) after the meeting, we hung out, etc.
then one “ friend” asked me for a favor.
Actually, just another child abuse story. Doesn’t sound like the cong was involved but the stories keep coming.